Introdução à Fotografia
This workshop is an invitation to travel Hugo’s professional journey through his images and the stories they tell. He will share the technique and approach used as well as the adventures that the images have given him.
In the morning, he will give a talk and share his tips. In the afternoon, an outing with students with whom he will do practical exercises.

Hugo Lima is an photographer, photography trainer, and leader of photographic expeditions in Marrakesh and India.
It is photography that reveals itself as his creative manifestation, dividing himself into three main areas: photography as visual art, training, and travel.
He brings together photography work in several areas with an emphasis on the musical universe, where he has a portfolio of thousands of shows, and also in the world of travel photography. He is responsible for the ESTUDIO151 project in Porto, where he has already inspired and trained more than 2000 people through his photography course.
He has organized more than two dozen collective exhibitions in the city of Porto, leading and guiding about 100 participants in each exhibition that takes place for a month and that usually registers, each one, an average of 10 thousand visits.
He leads groups on trips to India and Morocco, with the intention of sharing not only “their” places, as well as the families with whom he created bonds while sharing his experience in photography providing better travel photographic records to the participants.
Professional since 2004, accumulate several projects with an emphasis on the festival Paredes de Coura, since 2005, and Primavera Sound, since 2012, where he acts as official photographer.
He has work published in several media and musical albums by bands like Blasted Mechanism, Terrakota, Perfume, and MU.
In 2007, he is honored by receiving the nomination of “Young Artist of the county” by the Municipality of Trofa where he is from.
In 2014 the book “Paredes de Coura – The festival through Hugo Lima’s eyes 2005-2014” is released and in 2015 he participates in a collective book about the 22 years of the same festival.
On December 31, 2008, he leaves for India, starting a series of long-term trips that he has been making since then and a new challenge to his career. Fulfilling the impulse to enter the wonderful world of travel photography, he ventures into the discovery of the greatest diversity of peoples and places that fill this country.
With the approximation to the communities through which he has been passing, he begins the development of several social projects. These gained a greater dimension in 2015, when from the work leading groups in India and Morocco, he managed to create a source of funding for his humanitarian projects.
In 2020 and as a result of her experience in humanitarian action, she creates her cause project: “RAJURI Project”.
Activity for schools
May 27th
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